Laser cutting systems represent a major investment. They can cost anywhere from $200,000 to $1,500,000, so it makes sense to ask whether it’s better for you to outsource your laser-cutting needs. In short, the answer may depend on the kind of manufacturing your company performs. If most of your projects do not require the fine accuracy of laser cutting, then outsourcing your work would likely serve you better. But if your shop prioritizes speed, versatility, and extreme precision, whether for sheet metal or pipes, a laser cutter would be an ideal solution.

Laser Cutting Cost-Benefit Comparison

Of course, to know for sure whether outsourcing laser-cutting services rather than buying your own equipment makes more sense, you should conduct a cost-benefit analysis that takes into account your up-front investment in a laser cutter as well the costs of running it. Some considerations can include labor costs to operate the equipment and complete other work required by the process, as well as the costs of repairs and maintenance. As with many manufacturing processes, it’s important to remember that these costs are related to time, such as hours that your technicians spend repairing and maintaining the equipment.

The Benefits of Laser Cutting Systems

Shops that fabricate tight-tolerance components or perform work that requires complex cutting may find that purchasing a laser cutter is well worth it. Having a laser machine on site allows for better quality control and eliminates another often-overlooked cost—fixing mistakes. In addition to better quality workmanship, you can expect faster production times with laser cutting systems than with traditional methods, especially in the case of more complex cuts. In comparison to other thermal cutting methods like plasma or flame cutting, laser is faster up to a certain metal thickness.

What’s more, many laser cutting systems are highly automated, requiring little manpower. While an experienced machine operator still plays a role in the final quality and speed of cutting, there is little need for manual labor, resulting in lower labor costs.

Custom Laser Cutting Solutions

At Alpha Lazer, we offer fiber laser cutting machines to suit any size shop and nearly every application. Our systems are equipped with state-of-the-art features, including a user-friendly Siemens® CNC controller, the world’s leading laser cutting head from Precitec®, and industry-leading Lantek® nesting software. Whether you manage a high-volume facility or own a small shop, we can provide a cost-effective laser cutting solution that we will back with free, unlimited lifetime support. We offer several different models of laser cutting machines, from a modular table designed for high-volume manufacturing to a compact table that’s a cost-effective option for shops with limited square footage, and most of our fiber laser tables are fully automated. As a company committed to building long-term relationships with our customers, we would be glad to help you determine which one of our laser cutting systems would be right for you. Contact Alpha Lazer today to start the process.